Before and After Worship

Though we can’t be together before and after services in person, we are still enjoying community together!

Before and During the Service

People will be dressed from shorts and t-shirts to their “Sunday best.”

Before the service, greeters will welcome you, offer you a worship bulletin so you can follow the service, and invite you to wear a name tag if you feel comfortable.

Newcomers are invited to complete a Newcomer Card (electronically or on paper), so we may follow up with you later to best support your search for a faith community or interest in getting more connected at St. Jude’s.

Children of all ages are welcome to sit with their parents, or we have nursery care and Godly Play programs available during the 10:30 service (and the unified 9:30 services, too, when they occur). For more on Children and Youth at St. Jude’s, please click here.

See information below on accessibility–we’d be happy to help you!

After the Service

We’ll invite you after to our Parish Hall for coffee, light snacks, and relaxed conversation with other parishioners and clergy. A Host will offer to show you around and introduce you.

Between the two services at 9:15am, we have our Community Forums, which cover a wide range of topics. Click the button below to go to the archive of forum recordings. Our weekly announcements will describe what will happen at the forum that week.


Let a Greeter or Usher know how we may help you!

Parking and walking-in assistance is available. Please park in the designated assistance spot near the sanctuary.

The church and parish hall are ADA accessible.

Our sound system has an inductive hearing loop to assist those with hearing aids (use “T” setting on your hearing aid).

We offer copies of the sermon during the service so you can follow along.

Gluten-free wafers are available at communion. When the priest comes to you, just whisper “gluten-free.”

Clergy can bring communion to you at your seat.

St. Jude the Apostle Episcopal Church

20920 McClellan Road

Cupertino, CA 95014   (408) 252-4166

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