
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here at St. Jude’s




Join Livestream Sunday Service at 10:30am ⇢

Celebrate Lent by putting your faith into ACTION!

✝  Safe Park

Help by providing hospitality or food to our guests during March and April. Click here to sign up or learn more.

✝  Service Worship Sunday

Help with SWS on April 6. Join us that day and/or donate items for Manna Bags and Jail Ministry See here for signups and more info.

Service Worship Sunday is April 6! Sign up or donate items now.

Upcoming Services and Forums

Join us this Sunday for Worship at 10:30am on campus/livestreamed online or at 8:00am on campus.

Afterward, join us for coffee, tea, and snacks!
Visitors, family and friends are very welcome.

We’d also love for you to join us on Tuesdays at 6:00pm for a quiet Taizé service of songs, chants and readings.

See our calendar for more opportunities to juoin us online or on campus.

Stay connected to our St. Jude’s community
Signup for weekly email announcements here.  Join our Facebook group here. Our Youtube channel with services, forums, videos and more is here.

Upcoming Events

Get more information here about all our upcoming events. Visitors are always welcome!

April 6, 9:15am, Children’s Service in the Fireside Room. At this month’s Children’s Service, we will tell the story of Jesus feeding the 5000, and talk about how Jesus modeled a life of service. Children and their families will be invited to join in making Manna bags as part of Service Worship Sunday afterwards. 

April 6, 10:00am, Service Worship Sunday  Read here about the ways to participate in living out our Baptismal Covenant on this day!

April 12, 9:00am-1:00pm Parish Workday Join us on the Saturday before Holy Week to help beautify and ready our campus. There will be projects for all ages and abilities and donuts and coffee will be provided.

Holy Week Services

  • Palm Sunday (April 13) 8:00 and 10:30am* services 
  • Maundy Thursday (April 17) 7:00pm* service 
  • Good Friday (April 18) Noon and 7:00pm* services
  • Easter Vigil (April 19) 7:00pm* service
  • Easter Day (April 20) ONE 10:00am* service, potluck brunch and egg hunt to follow | *livestreamed

The St. Jude’s office is closed the week after Easter.

Discover a spiritual oasis at St. Jude’s where lives are transformed.

Join Us for on campus or online Worship Services this Sunday!

We have two services on Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am. The 8:00am is indoor and on-campus only, quiet and contemplative, and the 10:30am is both on-campus and livestreamed with online participation and live music. In the summer, it is outdoors. (Occasionally for special events we have a single Sunday service at 10:00am, livestreamed and in person.)

St. Judes is an inclusive community. We celebrate God’s diverse creation and welcome everyone of all ages, genders, sexualities, cultures, races, ethnicities, economic statuses, and abilities. Whether you are familiar with church life or have no experience with any church…Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.

Community Happenings at St. Jude's


20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166

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