






Please continue to make your regular pledge contributions or donating by filling out the form below (click here go directly to the form). This form allows you to make a secure online donation using Breeze, the system that St. Jude’s uses for contribution management.
By donating below, your contribution is immediately deposited in the church bank account and immediately recorded in Breeze. This replaces the earlier option to donate via PayPal, which charged higher fees to the church and required manual processing to record contributions in Breeze.

If you already have a weekly or monthly donation that you want to modify or cancel, please contact the treasurer. Entering a recurring donation using this form will set up a new donation schedule but will not replace one you already have.

St. Jude’s secure online donation form

Thank you for your continuing support of St. Jude’s!
Your contributions make the work of the church possible.

Giving to St. Jude’s allows us to fulfill our shared mission and ministry aspirations, including joyfully sharing our abundance to make a greater impact in social justice/outreach, deepening our welcome, and supporting our parishioners on their journey of faith.

Season of Giving

Our Season of Giving allows us an annual opportunity to reflect and name our shared mission and ministry aspirations for the upcoming calendar year. This season also gives households an opportunity to reflect and promise, as each are able, to support our shared mission and ministry. The Season runs 4-6 weeks each fall. Based upon pledges received, the Vestry creates and presents a balanced budget to St. Jude’s at the Annual Parish Meeting in January.

Donations to St. Judes are tax-deductible. Please contact the office if you wish to donate stock.


20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166

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