History & About Us
St. Jude’s has been a thriving, vibrant congregation since 1962. Over time, there have been many physical changes to the grounds at St. Jude’s, but our church has not changed in its commitment to caring for each other and our wider community.
We welcome everyone to join us for events or as members in our congregation as we learn to live as disciples in a modern world, continuing to mature spiritually as a people and thrive as a faith community.
For more pictures and information on our last 60 years, click here.

After the pandemic, we continue to worship and stengthen our community ties in ways accessible to all, such as our Sunday morning hybrid worship at 10:30am. We will have readings and sermons occasionally online, as well as make sure all our forums and events are livestreamed. Above was our 2022 Bluegrass service with the song lyrics on the new screens in the Sanctuary.

In June 2020, we welcomed Aaron Klinefelter as our new rector of St. Jude’s. Aaron has brought new vitality to our church, including revitalizing our worship. Here he is with children on Sunday morning, where we shares a sermon just for them each Sunday.
Early Days

1962 procession, when St. Jude’s was founded. The farmhouse (now our office) is shown in the background. Later, this grassy area became a parking lot and today it is our courtyard with the fountain and labyrinth.

An early pet blessing from 1970. We still have a pet blessing service every October that welcomes pets of all kinds (but turtles continue to be unusual!).

Our classroom wing in 1979 with children of St. Jude’s. This area has recently been renovated, including a new playground, plantings, pergola, and bocce ball court.
Service Together

Outreach and Social Justice are important to our parish. We have supported “SMUM” –Santa Maria Urban Ministry–since it was started in 1983, with monetary, donations, and on-site work.

St. Jude’s parishioners helped demolish the old classroom playground courtyard on our campus in 2018. We keep our campus tidy at two parish workdays each year plus with special projects.

On Service Worship Sundays, parishioners of all ages help with service projects for our community. One of these is to create “Manna bags” of basic necessities which we give to the unhoused throughout the year.
Community Fun

Our annual parish picnic (here in 2022), usually at Vasona Park, is fun for the whole family with games and a big barbecue!

Summer BBQs and events each year (like the July 4th, 2023 celebration here) include activities for all ages, such as bocce ball, a piñata, crafts or games.

Our Youth group has fun together, whether pie baking, ice skating, or just meeting for games! Above is the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and pancake races, which is fun for all.
Worship Together

We come together each Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist, to share “the gifts of God for the people of God.”

The Feast of Pentecost is one of our most fun and joyous occasions. Wearing red, tons of bubbles and balloons are typical for St. Jude’s.

After the courtyard renovation, we had occasional outdoor services (here is 2015) but now enjoy them all summer long at the 10:30am service.
Life Events

We celebrate baptisms during our regular worship services, and also celebrate other life events every Sunday, such as birthdays and anniversaries.

We love weddings (this one in 2022)!

Parishioners of all ages are confirmed in the Episcopal Church when the Bishop visits, once a year. (This is the class of 2016.)
Campus Updates

Our beautiful apricot window was installed in 1994. Because of the orchards locally and one on our campus, it continues to be a symbol for the parish.

Our inner courtyard was renovated in 2011-12, to add a labyrinth, paving, and landscaping where there was once a parking lot.

Our classroom courtyard was renovated in 2019, with a new bocce ball court, playground, plantings and large pergola for outdoor picnics.
…and more

Acolytes and ministers have fun before services in 2016.

We celebrated 50 years in 2012 along with clergy that have served at St Jude’s over the years.

Our Urban Farm was started in 2019 provides hundreds of pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables to neighbors in need.

Summer game nights are new for 2024, and seem very popular! Parishioners and community members alike join in.

Our outdoor altar, which is a slice of the hundred year old Colter pine that fell in 2017 on our campus, is much loved.

Like our Easter Vigil (here in 2017), there are many special and sacred moments throughout the year at St. Jude’s.
Our St. Jude’s community makes new memories every year of our time together. We look forward to creating those memories both with old friends and new friends that will join our community.
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.

20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166