Our Vision and Mission Covenant
Our Vision is to be a spiritual oasis where lives are transformed.
Our Mission Covenant
We strive to follow Jesus Christ and his Great Commandment to “love God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength … and love our neighbor as ourselves.” Therefore, to help us continue to mature spiritually as a people and thrive as a faith community, we covenant to:
- Learn to live as disciples of Jesus in the modern world.
- Focus energy and resources to make a greater impact in social justice and outreach.
- Support parishioners through all stages of their lives.
- Strengthen our community by holding courageous conversations within a safe space.
- Deepen our welcome and accessibility to people of various backgrounds, ethnicity, ages, and situations.
- Nurture our volunteers and leaders.
- Joyfully share our abundance.
Mission Covenant Prayer
Gracious, Life giving God, Thank you for the mission covenant that is setting our direction. Help us to hear your call to us, as we participate in various ways. As we continue to engage in these seven areas of our life, bring us life and energy to do the tasks. Keep the vision in front of us and help us to put this covenant into action. Amen.

20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166