Fellowship Ministries
Fellowship Ministries
Fellowship Ministries help us to know each other, and feel more connected as a parish and are also a great way to get to know more of the community. We’d love to have you join us!
Fellowship Ministries
Greeters/Ushers extend a great welcome to everyone joining for worship. The Greeters also distribute our worship bulletins at our sanctuary entrance. They are happy to answer any questions you may have!
The Newcomers Ministry welcomes newcomers and visitors to St. Jude’s and facilitates joining in our parish life.
Counters count, sort, record, and deposit financial contributions.
Coffee Hour Hosts serve coffee, tea, and snacks in the Parish Hall immediately following worship.
Eucharistic Visitors (EVs) help people who cannot attend church feel they are part of St. Jude’s and the community though sharing of Word and Sacrament.
Parish Life Coordinators help plan and facilitate our gatherings for fellowship and special events.

20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166