Community Life
We enjoy casual, relaxed fellowship across all ages at St. Jude’s, with fun and social enriching for all.
Everyone, including visitors, are always welcome at our events, whether online or in person!
Events on Campus for all ages
Coffee Hour after Service on Sundays This is a great way to get to know other parishioners in a relaxed setting. We always have coffee, tea and snacks available after both our services on Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am. We look forward to seeing you then!
Summer Potlucks under the Arbor: Enjoy fun and food in July and August. We provide the proteins (hamburgers/hot dogs/veggie burgers) and everyone brings a potluck dish to pass. We often have themes or special fun activities, and there is always bocce ball on our court, ping pong and games.
Special Receptions in the Parish Hall or Courtyard happen throughout the year. We have many reasons to celebrate or come together for other special occasions, such as:
- St. Jude’s Day with a bouncy house and Ministry Fair
- Easter potluck
- Advent Celebration with Nativity Scene displays and wreath making
- Bike Blessing and Ride for Earth Day
- and more!
4th of July BBQ and Talent Show: Our fun celebration on the 4th is an entertaining and sociable way to celebrate the holiday. We have games for all ages, plus a surprising amount of diverse talent. We provide the proteins (hamburgers/hot dogs/veggie burgers) and everyone brings a potluck dish to pass. Don’t miss it!
St. Jude’s Events off-campus
Parish Picnic: Over Labor Day Weekend, St. Jude’s households and friends meet at a local park, usually Vasona in Los Gatos, for a full day of fun, including hikes, nature learning opportunities, games, and a great potluck lunch.

20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166