Spiritual and Caring Ministries

We offer support and care for one another through our caring ministries.

For pastoral care, please contact our Rector, Rev. Aaron Klinefelter.

Aaron can be reached at aaron@saintjudes.org, or by calling the office at (408) 252-4166 and leaving a message (call anytime if emergency).

Our Deacon Robin Poppoff can be reached at robin@saintjudes.org or by calling the office.

Administrative emails can be sent to office@saintjude.org and will be answered promptly during working hours. You can also reach Donna at (408) 252-4166 during working hours.

Support through all Stages of Life

Baptisms are available for babies, children, youth or adults. Confirmations or receptions generally take place once every two years. Contact our office here to learn more. Click here for the baptism form.

Weddings and Receptions: We’d love for you to have your wedding in our Sanctuary or your reception in our Parish Hall! Contact our office here to learn more.

Funerals and Memorials: Contact the office here to learn more. Parishioners and their families may be interred in our environmentally-sensitive and beautiful Memorial Garden.

We held a special outdoor full-baptism (“sprinkling” is also common) in 2024.  Watch the short clip below as we celebrated.

Support & Encouragement for Everyone

Pastoral and Spiritual Care

Clergy visits (online or a call) from Aaron and Penelope are available for more conversation, pastoral care or urgent support.

Intercessory Prayer is offered regularly by faithful pray-ers. To add to the list, please list your prayer request on our Worship at Home page here.

Stephen Ministers provide confidential one-to-one Christian pastoral care, encouragement and support to individuals going through a difficult time. Their support is available via in person chats, videoconference, or phone call.

Eucharistic Visitors (EVs), help people who cannot attend church feel they are part of St. Jude’s and the community though sharing of Word and Sacrament. 

St. Jude’s Eucharistic Visitors: Lift your spirits by asking for a visit by a Eucharistic Visitor, either in person or by phone or Zoom.  The EV team does regular check-ups with members on their list.  It’s easy and meaningful.  Click here to contact the EV coordinator (our Deacon, Rev. Robin Poppoff) to schedule a time convenient for you. 

St. Jude’s Stephen Ministers: Stephen Ministers are available to provide confidential Christian support and encouragement to anyone going through a difficult time, such as feeling anxious, overwhelmed or isolated. Click here for Nancy McGuffin, Referral Coordinator, to reach out to you or fill out a referral form here.

Contact the Stephen Ministry

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Caring Resources you may find helpful

Advanced Health Care Directive: An AHCD informs loved ones and medical caregivers of your medical wishes if you are unable to speak for yourself. Click here for printable documents. A more “friendly” version can be found at Five Wishes (http://fivewishes.org)

Memorial/Funeral Wishes: This form communicates your wishes with loved ones and St. Jude’s. Click here for printable document.

Prayer and Spirtual Resources you may find helpful

Our sanctuary is open for prayer 24/7.

Our labyrinth is available for prayer from sunrise to sunset.

Morning Prayer is anytime on your own in our sanctuary. Pamphlets (for an online copy click here) are also available near the Apricot Window in the sanctuary.


20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166

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