Events Archive 2022
Forum events on this page have the latest forums at the bottom of the page. Please scroll down.
St. Jude’s 2022 Forum and Events Video Recordings
Click on each picture to watch the recorded video.
January 23, 2022
Our Treasurer Scott Rotondo and Senior Warden Jennifer Shearin held a budget forum to review the 2022 budget and answer questions ahead of the Annual meeting. Due to the sensistive nature of the information, this was not recorded.
(not recorded)
March 6, 2022
Our Deacon, Rev. Robin Poppoff, who is a Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, led a presentation and discussion around this ancient spiritual practice and how we might engage with it today. Our Labyrinth is open for spiritual practice each day. For more information, contact the office here.
Introduction to the Labryrinth
May 1, 2022
Lead Community Organizer Anna Eng from Industrial Areas Foundation, Alfonso Mendez, Programs Manager at Santa Maria Urban Ministry, and Rabbi Jonathan Prosnit, Congregation Beth Am joined us on May 1. We discussed what IAF and the Silicon Valley Sponsoring Committee does, and how St. Jude’s can get involved.
Community Organizing with IAF
May 8, 2022
This is the first of a four-part series of an exploration of the initial responses to the Resurrection of Jesus in the first centuries of the church. John drew from the following books: Crucible of Faith: The Ancient Revolution That Made Our Modern Religious World by Philip Jenkins and After Jesus Before Christianity: A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries of Jesus Movements by Erin Vearncombe, Brandon Scott, Hal Taussig.
Rev. John Buenz Seminar part 1
May 15, 2022
This is the second of a four-part series of an exploration of the initial responses to the Resurrection of Jesus in the first centuries of the church. John drew from the following books: Crucible of Faith: The Ancient Revolution That Made Our Modern Religious World by Philip Jenkins and After Jesus Before Christianity: A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries of Jesus Movements by Erin Vearncombe, Brandon Scott, Hal Taussig.
Rev. John Buenz Seminar part 2
May 22, 2022
This is the third of a four-part series of an exploration of the initial responses to the Resurrection of Jesus in the first centuries of the church. John drew from the following books: Crucible of Faith: The Ancient Revolution That Made Our Modern Religious World by Philip Jenkins and After Jesus Before Christianity: A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries of Jesus Movements by Erin Vearncombe, Brandon Scott, Hal Taussig.
Rev. John Buenz Seminar part 3
May 29, 2022
This is the last of a four-part series of an exploration of the initial responses to the Resurrection of Jesus in the first centuries of the church. John drew from the following books: Crucible of Faith: The Ancient Revolution That Made Our Modern Religious World by Philip Jenkins and After Jesus Before Christianity: A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries of Jesus Movements by Erin Vearncombe, Brandon Scott, Hal Taussig.
Rev. John Buenz Seminar part 4
June 5, 2022
Rev. John Buenz returns for a second forum series in June, on Living in a Difficult Times and the Post-Modern World. How is the church changing? What does New Church look like? In what ways are cultural transitions impacting the church? John explored how contemporary cultural transitions are changing the church. (Part 1)
Living in Difficult Times part 1
June 12, 2022
Rev. John Buenz returns for a second forum series in June, on Living in a Difficult Times and the Post-Modern World. How is the church changing? What does New Church look like? In what ways are cultural transitions impacting the church? John explored how contemporary cultural transitions are changing the church. (Part 2)
Living in Difficult Times part 2
June 19, 2022
Rev. John Buenz returns for a second forum series in June, on Living in a Difficult Times and the Post-Modern World. How is the church changing? What does New Church look like? In what ways are cultural transitions impacting the church? John explored how contemporary cultural transitions are changing the church. (Part 3)
Living in Difficult Times part 1
July 3, 2022
On July 3rd, Nancy Cohen, one of our diocesan deputies to the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church led a Forum of a preview of the actions and resolutions before our church’s triennial governing body at the upcoming Covention.
- General Convention Website:
- El Camino Real Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: #gc80
- Virtual Binder:
Convention Preview Forum
July 17, 2022
On July 17, Tim Gee, one of our diocesan deputies, led a Forum to review the actions and resolutions discussed at our church’s triennial governing body. For more information and further links to happenings, click in the Preview video and find links in the comments section below the video.
Convention Recap Forum
September 11, 2022
On September 11, the Housing Committee (Sara Razavi, Judy Foot, Jennifer Shearin, JR Fruen, and Peter Troop) gave an informational session on housing at St. Jude’s. Parishioners are encouraged to continue their feedback on key topics by posting notes on the provided paper in the narthex.
Housing Town Hall
October 9, 2022
As part of our 60th Anniversary Celebration, we held a forum with storytellers Jean Chandler and Rev. John Buenz, who were part of St. Jude’s during its very beginnings. Boards were available with timeline information and pictures, also available here.
October 16, 2022
As part of our 60th Anniversary Celebration, we held a forum with Candy Satterlee, Mary Souza, and Steve Kottmeier, who were part of St. Jude’s during its second 20 years. Boards were available with timeline information and pictures, and also available here.
October 23, 2022
As part of our 60th Anniversary Celebration, we held a forum with storytellers who were part of St. Jude’s during its most recent 20 years. Boards were available with timeline information and pictures, and also available here.
November 13, 2022
As part of our Season of Giving, St. Jude’s Treasurer Scott Rotondo gave a talk on November 13 about how to maximize your charitable giving.
Maximizing your Charitable Giving
December 4, 2022
As part of our Advent season, our Assisting Priest Penelope Duckworth is leading a forum series on Mary: The Imagination of Her Heart, which she wrote and was published in 2004. This is part 1.
December 4, 2022
As part of our Advent Season, Mason Razavi & Friends shared their musical talents with us for a stirring Advent Jazz Vespers. Special guest Lix Milner from CIC shared a talk on “O Come Immanuel” as well.
December 11, 2022
As part of our Advent season, our Assisting Priest Penelope Duckworth is leading a forum series on Mary: The Imagination of Her Heart, which she wrote and was published in 2004. This is part 2.
December 18, 2022
Our Stephen Ministry Team designed and shared a Blue Christmas Service. The holiday season isn’t always happy; this service is quiet and contemplative–a different take on the holiday season.
Blue Christmas
December 18, 2022
As part of our Advent season, our Assisting Priest Penelope Duckworth is leading a forum series on Mary: The Imagination of Her Heart, which she wrote and was published in 2004. This is part 3
December 24, 2022
Our Christmas Eve 8:00pm service is a Carols service, with many full carols and hymns to sing during and before the service. For the sermon text, click here.
Christmas Eve 8:00pm
December 24, 2022
Our Christmas Eve 4:00pm service includes carols and the Nativity Pageant with readings and with all parts played by our children and youth.
Christmas Eve 4:00pm
December 25, 2022
Our Christmas Day 10:00am service is traditional Christmas Day service.
Christmas Day 10:00am

20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166