Upcoming Events & Forums

Everyone in our wider community—visitors, friends, family and more—is welcome at all of our events!

Put your faith into action this Lent!

Your hands make a difference. Let's live out our baptismal covenant together. All ages and abilities can help. April 6 at 9:30am.

Service Worship Sunday

April 6, 10:00am
Lunch 12:00pm

Come help with a project at Service Worship Sunday, where we put our faith into ACTION!

Learn more and sign up by going to our Service Worship Sunday page.

All ages and abilities are appreciated as helpers! 

Your help is needed for Safe Park at St. Jude's. Help is needed with hospitality and with bringing food or meals.

Help with Safe Park

The Rotating Safe Car Park (RSCP) Program provides a safe location at night at St. Jude’s for people living in their cars. This year we are hosting SafePark during the months of March and April.

Our program is underway but we still need a few sign ups, particularly for Hospitality.

Links to sign up: (Hospitality)  (Food)  More information is here.


Monthly children's service at 9:15am the first Sunday of each month. Kid friendly and participatory sermon, Eucharist, and music. Geared toward kids 5th grade and younger and their parents.

Monthly Children’s Service

April 6 at 9:15am

We have a new service the first Sunday every month that’s just for kids!

 On April 6th, we will tell the story of Jesus feeding the 5000, and talk about how Jesus modeled a life of service. Children and their families will be invited to join in making Manna bags as part of Service Worship Sunday afterwards. 

Feeling Stress after Election Season?

Join our group for a safe space where your concerns can be heard.

Every Tuesday at 7:00pm, following the Taizé service, in the Fireside Room.

If you’re interested in finding out more, please provide information via the Google Form here, talk to Jeffrey Pugh or LeMel Firestone-Palerm, or leave your name with the office.

Join us for Holy Week Services April 13-20

April 13 – Palm Sunday 8:00 and 10:30am services
April 17 – Maundy Thursday 7:00pm service
April 18 – Good Friday 12:00pm (solemn collects)
7:00pm (tenebrae)
April 19 – Easter Vigil 7:00pm service
April 20 – Easter Sunday ONE SERVICE at 10:00am
Palm Sunday Services April 13 at 8am and 10:30am both with Palm Processional
Maundy Thursday service at 7 pm with foot washing. Livestreamed service.
Good Friday services at noon and 7 pm. 7 pm service is livestreamed.
Easter Vigil Service at 7 pm and Easter Day at 10 am. Easter Day with egg hunt and brunch following service.

Youth Confirmation Class

Teens 12-18 are welcome to join this inquiring class just for you, in preparation for being confirmed. The class schedule will be determined based on youth availability, and attendees do not need to be confirmed after the class if they choose not to be.

Contact Rev. Annalise for more information!

Join us Sundays during services for Godly Play (K-5th grade) and right after the 10:30 service for Youth Group (6th-12th grades).

Also join us for our monthly Children’s Service at 9:15am on the first Sunday of the month in the Fireside Room!

For more information on children’s and youth activities at St. Judes, contact our Children’s Minister Marion Lynch at marion@saintjudes.org.

Our Sunday forums are held both in-person and live-streamed, with participation from those online. To join online, see specific links below each forum date or for all the links go to our Youtube channel hereAll forums are held on Sundays indoors in our Parish Hall, or outdoors in our courtyard, weather permitting.

Do you have an idea for a Forum or event you’d like to hear, or would like to present? Contact our office here to let us know.


20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166

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