Upcoming Events & Forums
Everyone in our wider community—visitors, friends, family and more—is welcome at all of our events!
Here are our upcoming events at held St. Jude’s. Please note that some quickly announced events will only be found on our Announcements page, so please check there too (found under “Happenings” at the menu bar on the top of the page)!
Advent Bible Study & Soup Suppers (with Taizé!)
Tuesdays: December 3, 10, and 17, 6:00 – 7:30pm
Join us for a 3 week bible study on Tuesdays evenings 6-7:30PM.
Taizé will be 6-6:30, followed by soup supper and bible study (together) 6:30-7:30pm. All are invited to bring a side if they wish, and soup is provided. We’ll be using The Advent Bible Study by Kate Bowler. No preparation is needed–come when you can! Each week we’ll discuss a different a different passge. All are welcome to any and all of the sessions. More information: Rev. Annalise.
We’ll enjoy our Christmas Pageant on December 22 this year
Sunday, December 22 at the 10:30am service
A special Christmas Service just for kids
Tuesday, December 24 at 4:00pm in the Fireside Room
Enjoy our Christmas Services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Tuesday, December 24 (8:00pm) and Wednesday, December 25 (10:00am)
Annual Service of Healing
Sunday, December 29, 10:00am
Epiphany Celebration
Sunday, January 5, 8:00am and 10:30am
Your quarters are needed!
All during Advent, put your quarters in our “washer & dryer box” so that needy SJSU students can do laundry.
All quarters will go to Canterbury Bridge at SJSU, run by Deacon Kathey Crowe for the “Sacred Suds and Duds” program. Kathey assembles laundry goodie bags of $10 in quarters, three Tide Pods, and three dryer sheets for the SJSU students.
Skate with us (or not…just join us for fun!)
Sunday, January 12, 5:30- 7:30pm
Join us at Winter Park in Palo Alto for a fun ALL AGES afternoon event!
Are you new to St. Jude’s? New-ish? Or never attended a Newcomers lunch before?
Then join us on January 12 at 12:30pm!
Annual Meeting with Parish Review and Voting
January 26 at 11:30 am following one service at 10:00am
Join us Sundays during services for Godly Play (K-5th grade) and right after the 10:30 service for Youth Group (6th-12th grades).
For more information on children’s and youth activities at St. Judes, contact Rev. Aaron at aaron@saintjudes.org.
Our Sunday forums are held both in-person and live-streamed, with participation from those online. To join online, see specific links below each forum date or for all the links go to our Youtube channel here. All forums are held on Sundays indoors in our Parish Hall, or outdoors in our courtyard, weather permitting.
Do you have an idea for a Forum or event you’d like to hear, or would like to present? Contact our office here to let us know.
20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166