Women's Weekend 2025

Women’s Weekend signups are closed for 2025, but we’d love to see you next year! Please let us know by contacting Marcia Landis or Rosa Pellecer.

Join us for Women’s Weekend 2025!

The Women’s Weekend is an annual opportunity for St. Jude’s women and women-aligned non-binary people of all orientations to gather in order to create and develop relationships with one another. Typically, there are one or two “get-to-know-each-other” activities, several  spiritual or worship activities, and lots of time to plan your own activities, socialize, or just relax. The key to this weekend is to do as much or as little as you want – everything is optional! It is a great chance to take a break from your busy life. 

This year, the Women’s Weekend will be at San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville. We secured this location 2 years ago after attending 2023 Women’s Weekend there.

We will have single or double sleeping rooms with bathrooms and a common gathering area. Delicious meals are included and are served in the dining area. There will be time for you to do what you like. More information on this venue can be found at www.sandamiano.org .

Key Information about the Weekend

Weekend Schedule:

  • Friday, March 28, check in at 4:00pm and includes dinner at 7:00pm
  • Saturday, March 29, includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Sunday, March 30, check-out by 11:00am. Includes breakfast and lunch


  • Includes all accommodation and meals.
  • $290 to $350 for double rooms
  • $330 to $390 for single rooms
  • As in prior years, we will be offering a sliding scale for the retreat (lean/average/abundant), with additional financial assistance available if needed.

We will make sure that financial challenges are NOT a reason for anyone to not attend.

More questions? Contact Marcia Landis or Rosa Pellecer.

How to Sign up

Signal your interest in the Women’s Weekend by emailing Marcia Landis here.

This does not commit you to going, but will allow you to get information via email on deposit dates and more.

  • Please RSVP as soon as possible. The Women’s weekend is a bit earlier this year, so the time is tight for the RSVP and to get payments to the venue.
  • Let us know if you would like a single room or a double room.
  • If you are requesting a single, please let us know if this is a preference or a requirement for your attendance, as we have a limited number of rooms and want to make sure that we can accommodate as many attendees as are interested.

We will ask for a deposit of $100 by February 4th with the balance due by March 14th. You can pay online or via check.

  • You can pay via our secure payment system on our website here. Use the drop down menu under “Give to St. Jude’s church” to change it to “Give to Women’s Weekend”. 
  • Checks should be made payable to St. Jude the Apostle. Please write Women’s Weekend in the memo line, and place in the Women’s Weekend mailbox in the Farmhouse.

All are welcome!

Join us for this fun and special time where we will build new memories and enjoy fellowship together in the serene foothills of Danville.

Marcia and Rosa


20920 McClellan Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4166

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